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gothic metal artinya

contoh kalimat "gothic metal"
  • gothic metal
  • Sunday, 14 August 2016 Today we bring you another tutorial to get familiar with the piano. If you love gothic metal, practice them with My Immortal by Evanescence!
    Hari ini kami membawa Anda tutorial lain untuk mendapatkan akrab dengan piano. Jika Anda menyukai gothic metal, mempraktikkannya dengan Immortal saya oleh Evanescence!
  • After being introduced to former Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody in early 2009, plans for Smithson's post-Idol solo album were scrapped and instead she is now the lead singer of the gothic metal band We Are the Fallen.
    Setelah diperkenalkan kepada produser rekaman Ben Moody pada awal 2009, rencana untuk album solo Smithson pasca-Idol dibatalkan dan ia kini menjadi penyanyi utama band metal gotik, We are the Fallen.